Monday, June 13, 2011

R70.20 Upgradation Procedure

R70.20 Upgradation Procedure:

Step1: Take the configuration Backup of both the Nokia Appliances.
Step2: Take the Backup of Static Routes.
Step3: Connect the laptop to Console & Management interface eth3 of the Secondary Firewall Appliance.
Step4: Keep the below checkpoint Wrapper packages in FTP server path of Laptop.
a) Check_Point_R70.20.ipso6.tgz
b) Check_Point_R70.IPSO.tgz
Step5: Upload “” to Secondary Firewall using FTP Server by giving the command “newimage –i”
Step6: Provide the FTP server ip details (Laptop) & path (/) from where it will upload the file.
Step7: once installation is done it will reboot the Appliance.
Step8: check the IPSO version using the command “uname –a “
Step9: Upload & install R70 Wrapper package “Check_Point_R70.IPSO.tgz” through FTP server.
Step10: install the R70 Wrapper package by giving command “newpkg “
Step11: It asks for FTP ip details & Path and then Package file name. Provide the R70 Wrapper file name “Check_Point_R70.IPSO.tgz”
Step12: Once the Wrapper Package is installed reboot the Appliance.
Step13: check the Firewall Checkpoint Wrapper version “fw ver “
Step14: Now connect the Appliance using SSH access and upload the R70.20 Package into the Appliance.
Step15: ftp ; provide the FTP credentials
Step16: Select the R70.20 Package from the Option & upload the file
Step17: gunzip Check_Point_R70.20.ipso6.tgz. Check for the extracted file name by using command “ls –l” where you will find file name “Chek_Point_R70.20.ips
Step18: tar –zxvf Check_Point_R70.20.ipso6.tar
Step19: ./Unixinstallscript
Step20: Reboot the Appliance.

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